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Everything You Need to Know About Truffles

Truffles are known as a rare gem in the dining world. At Wally’s, you can add truffles to anything. We love using them to add an incredible, unparalleled depth of flavor to our dishes. In fact, Wally’s uses more truffles than any other restaurant in California! Here are a few things to know about these delicious fungi and how they’re best used in cooking.

There are 3 key varieties

When it comes to truffles, there are three main varieties that are commonly used: white, black, and burgundy. Each one has a unique character that adds a delicious flavor to foods. They also are available during different seasons, so it’s likely that you’ll encounter different types throughout the year. The important types to know are: 

  • White truffles: Complex, with notes of shallot and garlic, and extremely rare, white truffles are usually available September through December. Summer white truffles are available May-August.
  • Black truffles: Earthy, robust, and nutty, winter black truffles are available December-March, with summer black truffles available May-August.
  • Burgundy truffles: With a delicate and aromatic nature, Burgundy truffles are available September-December.

They like cool, dark places

While truffles are fungi like mushrooms, they are different in that they grow underground and only thrive in the right type of soil and temperature. Once harvested, they’re best stored in cold environments that mimic their growing environment. If you have truffles at home, wrap them in a paper towel, place them in a jar, and put them in the fridge to help them retain their freshness. If they get wet, they could lose their aromas and taste.

They make a decadent garnish

While truffles taste fantastic on their own, one of the best ways to enjoy them is atop a savory dish to enhance its flavor. Wally’s chefs use a metal slicer to serve them as fine shavings to garnish dishes and add a decadent layer of richness and complexity. Delicate white or Burgundy truffles are best used as a finishing touch to enhance ingredients such as meat, while black truffles can be simmered in sauce or oil. You can also use truffle salt or truffle olive oil to achieve similar flavor enhancements. Enjoy seasonal truffles in signature Wally’s dishes such as Wood Oven Baked Brie, Truffle Risotto, Truffle Pizza, and Truffle Bolognese. You can even add-on truffles to any dish on the menu, too.

Pair them with the right wines

Truffles can be further enhanced by a great wine pairing to help bring out their rich, earthy flavors. In general, aged or earthy wines will complement the earthy notes of truffles, but you can select different varieties to bring out specific flavors. Enhance the woodsy, mushroom notes with a Barolo. An elegant and refined Burgundy red wine can bring out earthy notes. A Northern Rhône Syrah with pepper and olive notes can complement the strong pepper notes in some truffles.

Visit Wally’s to enjoy our range of truffle-based dishes with the perfect wine pairing!